A life dedicated to spiritual wisdom is one of the most dynamic states of beings that a Christian can possess > 자유게시판

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A life dedicated to spiritual wisdom is one of the most dynamic states…

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작성자 Ronny
댓글 0건 조회 97회 작성일 24-06-23 15:23


A life dedicated to spiritual wisdom is one of the most dynamic states of beings that a Christian can possess. The mystery of wisdom is greater than anyone can imagine. It goes beyond the surface and deeper than anyone can ever imagine. Nevertheless, if we believe in what we know about spiritual wisdom, it will give us the power to do incredible things for our families, communities, and nation. Receiving wisdom and using it in the daily grind of our lives will eventually lead us to a life of peace, joy, and prosperity. But first we must be aware of what it can do for us, and embrace it fully. Let's discover some of the most dynamic things that wisdom can do for us who receives it.


Spiritual wisdom is revolutionary. It confronts fear head-on despite trembling knees. It realizes that cowardliness is a curse and has prevented progress in the lives of many. Wisdom ignores the odds, and does the right thing for all involved. In the Old Testament, for example, King David, the shepherd boy confronted the enemies of Israel, including the fierce giant Goliath and slew him. He remembered that God had already delivered him for a lion and a bear. Also, Joshua, a great warrior of the Old Testament, conquered enemy territory by constantly trusting the wisdom of God.

How many of us have let wonderful opportunities pass by us because we were afraid to trust in the wisdom God? We can all look back over all lives and imagine what could have been if we had bested fear and intimidation. Maybe we were told at an early age that we wouldn't amount to anything. Maybe a parent or teacher implanted these poisonous words in our minds. And we may have believed them. However, we have survived and we can influence our tomorrows if we trust in the spiritual wisdom of God's words. His words say great and wonderful things about our capability. First, he has given us dominion over the earth and has told us to grow and expand in all directions (Gen 1: 28-29). Second, he says that we are newly created beings (godly people) and that old things (thoughts, ways, habits,) have all been changed (2 Cor 5: 17). We are no longer our old selves who were full of fear and failure. Instead we have been given spiritual licenses to conquer every fear that ever interfered with the quality of our lives. But in order to appreciate the wisdom of God we must believe in what he says about us, and face those fears that are still blocking our mental, spiritual, and physical prosperity.

Right Choices

Wisdom creates honor. It is an enemy of shame and humiliation. It knows how to avoid a bad reputation. Wisdom makes the right choices for all involved, despite never receiving appreciation. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul, a mighty man of God known for establishing the order of the churches, didn't give into shame and humiliation after being beaten and mistreated in cities that condemned the preaching of God's wisdom. Ester, a great iconic woman of God in the Old Testament wasn't ashamed to go before the King and plead for the nation of Israel just because to was a woman. Throughout biblical history her trust in the wisdom of God has brought her honor to her name. If I perish, let me perish were her famous words (Ester 4: 16). By faithfully trusted in God's wisdom, she gained favor, not only from the King, but from the whole nation of Israel.

As Christians, as long as we are doing the right thing, we don't have to be ashamed. Others will look at us and tell us that we are not qualified or that we are just wasting our time doing something that seem impossible to them. But don't back down. Honor comes to those who believe that God has put something within them so special that cannot be denied. You may have been thinking about confronting the negative conditions in your neighborhood or community, or going back to school to get your degree at age sixty. The honorable thing to do is to ignore shame and go for it. Trust in the wisdom of God to see you through. Let the naysayers stay on the sideline and disbelieve. They always do. But honor will find you. Bottom line: Exalt wisdom, and it will promote you; it will bring you honor (prov.4:8).

Humility Replaces Pride

Wisdom creates humility. It humbles itself and does things that are seemingly below its standards. It penetrates pride. Wisdom respects the most seemingly insignificant person, whether they are native or foreign. The wisdom of God considers the poor man who lives in the back alley or the dusty black child who lives in the ghetto. Wisdom regards no one as inferior. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, knelt down at the feet of John the Baptist even though John was considered, by many, a lunatic who lived in the desert, and ate locust with wild honey. Christ also humbled himself to wash the feet of one of his disciplines, even though he was the Lord. How can we escape if the Son of God humbled himself to those who were below him in authority? The wisdom of God teaches us to treat everyone equally. We are to obey this wisdom because every person who was ever born was created in the image of God. To diminish the person of anyone is to offend God. In fact, God chooses people that seem to be neglected and ignored by society. These people are more open to his wisdom than those who seemingly have all the wealth and riches.

Therefore, we must wisely, reach out and help less fortunate regardless of who they are, how they look, and where they came from. According to the wisdom of God, we were all created to love one another. Since this is the case, we should all awaken each day to humble ourselves with kindness toward everyone we meet. It doesn't matter what kind of people they are: white, African American, Chinese, Hispanic, proud, crippled, blind, old, and young and the like. Treat everyone with the wisdom of humility. The great reward for study assistance the humble in this life is an abundance of heavenly grace in order to live a life of prosperity, peace, and joy.

Solving Problems with Wisdom

Wisdom solves problems. No person who ever lived, from the beginning of time until now was immune to problems. Life is a series of emerging problematic situations and conditions from birth to death. The roll of spiritual wisdom is to empower us to confront and overcome those challenges that are necessary for our progress and to avoid those which are not. All the while wisdom provides peace along our journeys and peace in the middle of our ordeals. In fact, Christ promised trials and tribulations but also He gives us power to overcome them. According to scripture the righteous have many problems but the Lord delivers them out of them all (Prov. 34:19). Another scripture tells us to count is all joy when we are mired in problems and difficulties (James 1: 2). The indication is that there is something in difficulties that are to be treasured. Knowingly, it is hard for many of us to see the light on our path when we don't view our problems from the standpoint of spiritual wisdom. The revolutionary consciousness of spiritual wisdom sees problems as opportunities to grow in strength and character. We receive these great benefits while confronting the challenges in our daily grind. We become more mature, which increases our ability to perform under pressure. In fact, wisdom teaches us that to acquire the most beautiful and worthwhile things in life require many difficult challenges. To be the best in anything means we have worked harder and longer than anyone else. We have sacrificed time and pleasure. We have overcome every obstacle that has attempted to hinder our progress. We were wise enough to know that by accepting the tribulations of obtaining our dreams, that those dreams would eventually be fulfilled. Wisdom always takes the optimistic approach to life's problems. This is the only way. Once again, nothing valuable in life is easy to attain. Progress has a price and that price is overcoming problems. This fact is demonstrated throughout the scriptures: all the prophets and apostles were made great in their effort to confront, handle, and overcome problems in order to spread the wisdom of God. Bottom line: let's wisely embrace our problems as our friends.

Wisdom begets Wealth

Wisdom creates wealth. Wise people know how to prosper. Prosperity is going forward with the knowledge that obstacles are part of the journey. In fact, the wisdom of God teaches us that 'a dream comes into reality through a many difficulties (Eccl 5:3). If we could see challenges as stepping stones to prosperity, then we can fulfill our dreams and visions. According to scripture Abraham, Job, and Solomon were three of the richest men in the land because they possessed the wisdom to prosper. God has also put each of us here to leave our mark upon the word. Whatever our hopes and dreams may be, God has given us the power and wisdom to achieve them. A new career, a new house, a new car-all are blesses God intended us to enjoy. Go for it. However, riches and wealth don't have to be tangible. Good character, inner peace, joy, healthy relationships, and great health are some of the most important symbols of wealth. Many wealthy people who have suffered from chronic disease would be willing to exchange their entire fortune for peace and health. Also, because there is not much tangible wealth available in third world countries, many people value their inner wealth. They awaken with joy, peace, and contentment every day.

Bottom line, refuse to leave the earth without leaving something special for someone else to enjoy. You may never be rich in tangibles but to raise a child in love, to feed the hungry, to give your best service, to show appreciation where it is rarely shown will live in the memories of others forever. Leaving a good name is the best kind of wealth.

Wisdom and Transformation

Wisdom is transforming. Nothing stays the same that has been touched by God's wisdom. According to scripture, Wisdom is the principle thing (Prov 4: 7). Many great prophets and apostles have been transformed by the knowledge of God. In fact, our very thoughts become inclined toward His wisdom. Our hearts are changed and we see with new eyes. Instead of hating our enemies we love them. Instead of starting wars we seek peace. Instead of fallen into despair we rejoice with confidence and hope in His in wisdom.

Our friends may no longer recognize us or want to be with us. But never fear losing old friends because God will give us more. By the way, many of us need a big change in our lives. We are surrounded by sameness everyday: the same old attitudes, the same old gossip, the same of old conflict within our homes, jobs, and communities. But by utilizing the wisdom and knowledge of God in our life and affairs, we are able to transform every environment in which we find ourselves. For every chaotic environment God has given us the authority and the wisdom of prayer to establish peaceable habitation, and sure dwellings, and quiet resting places. This honor has all the saints (PS 149: 5-9).

In fact, the revolutionary wisdom that transforms is the knowledge of who we are in Christ. Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God (1 Cor 1: 24). Once revolutionary wisdom has filled our hearts; nothing in our circle of influence can stay the same. This includes people, places, and things. Our very thoughts shape the reality of our surroundings. This makes Godly wisdom not just a hand full of weak principles; but a treasure chest of heavenly knowledge that is miraculous and alive.

Wisdom and Longevity

Wisdom creates longevity. Many of us wish to live a long, healthy, and prosperous life. Do You? Well God has provided us the wisdom to get there. Many prophets such as Abraham, Moses, and Joseph, lived long and prosperous lives. They may have had many challenges and conflicts but by the wisdom of God these men were able to overcome them and live in peace. Today, millions of people die well before their time. Because many are unaware of what spiritual wisdom will do for them, they are double crossed by ignorance (Prov. 2: 11). The wrong path is taken every day by the young as well as the old. But the miracle of wisdom is that it offers a preventive solution. It knows the end of every path, whether bitter or sweet, that a person can take. Wisdom will help us lead our children down the right path; it will help us to escape the traps of our most formidable enemy: immature death. But have no fear. According to the wisdom of God, the redeemed, through Christ, have already been delivered from the law of sin and death. This means that God's spirit protects our lives as well as the lives of all those we commit to him. This includes our family, friends, and other relationships that we submit to Him. God's wisdom tells us to trust in Him and believe, and He will give us the desires of our hearts (PS 37: 3-5). As Christians we have been given the power to pray for the peace and protection of our love ones. If we have faith, God hears, and He will surely satisfy us. We must remember the words of Christ: nothing is impossible to them that believe (Mark 9: 23).

The spiritual, revolutionary wisdom is not something that you can receive just by sitting idly in a church pew and listening to the words of a preacher. Wisdom requires participation. We must be open to it without reservation. We must act upon it in the most desperate of circumstances to appreciate its magnificent value. It will pave an enlightened way for us as along as we are aware of the grace it brings to our lives. It is not only for our pleasure but also for all the people who enter in and out of our life. It is too precious to hide in our hearts. We must not only share it. But not only share it, we must demonstrate it. This is what wisdom demands.

Obtaining spiritual wisdom requires being open to a wide variety of spiritual knowledge. Spiritual leader Stevie Glenn has produced a wealth of spiritual knowledge. To invest in this highly spiritual knowledge you can click here website Value of a Life Dedicated to Spiritual Wisdom


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